Why urgent healthcare providers play a vital role in establishing local, integrated care.

Round the clock primary and community care (urgent care) has rarely been in the spotlight in terms of the role it plays in the wider healthcare landscape. Routine primary, secondary and even social care services have much greater public awareness as to their place in the NHS infrastructure. Yet urgent care and specifically urgent care providers, weave intricately into the patchwork of all three and deliver solid and consistent care to patients, day in, day out.

Urgent Health UK (UHUK) is a federation of social enterprise healthcare providers that benefits its members by enabling them to work together and present themselves as a much larger organisation. Members collaborate closely to share experience, skills and best practice, collectively growing stronger and improving care up and down the country. This collaboration was essential during the peak of COVID-19 when many providers were on the frontline, responding daily to the ever-changing pandemic. In fact, when the impact of COVID-19 first hit, local, urgent care providers were integral to the tactical and strategic response plans and their local knowledge influenced how healthcare systems coordinated delivering services early on in the pandemic.

Full Press Release - https://pressat.co.uk/releases/why-urgent-healthcare-providers-play-a-vital-role-in-establishing-local-integrated-care-ee503a34579e2b9306ec384d1993d094/