Multicultural UK DAY To Make Britain Great

Multicultural UK DAY To Make Britain Great!

Since the Murder of Mr George Floyd, on the 25th May, there has been a global outrage towards this racist act. The Black Lives Matter protest has been largely peaceful, whilst protesting against Racism. The protesters, in US & UK are largely White, alongside many Black and Brown, who're fighting for equality regardless of the higher risk of contracting Covid-19.

The chosen date for 'Multicultural UK DAY', would be the 22 June 2021, as this was the day, The Empire Windrush ship arrived in 1948 at Tilbury Docks, after the Second World War. Those migrates from the Caribbean, heralded the beginning of our present, "Multicultural" society, with South Asian communities arriving thereafter. The recent 'WindRush Scandal' is blight on how 'Commonwealth Migrates', who fought in large numbers, in both those World Wars, had been treated. We have solicited support, for this from all 650 MP's, and Councillors, with many lending their support.

Full press release: