Beloved face mask label miamasuku® announced today it is ready to ship products to UK

  • UK government made public on 4 June that face coverings will be mandatory on public transport from 15 June 2020.
  • Face mask label miamasuku® is ready to ship its beloved cotton adults and kids face masks on stock in Germany to customers in the UK.
  • miamasuku® stylish face masks are designed for perfect fit and unmatched breathing comfort helping UK citizens into compliance with the new face covering requirement.
  • miamasuku® research team says, scientists continue to publish evidence for the viability of wearing cotton face masks to slow down COVID-19.

Aachen, Germany - 10 June 2020: Beloved face mask label miamasuku® ( today announced that it is ready to ship its current collection of cotton face masks to UK customers. All products are on stock in large quantities as the company has already ramped up production in response to the face mask requirement in Germany as of March 2020. Now that demand is past peek in Central Europe, miamasuku® face masks are ready to go to UK citizens in need of a stylish and pandemic-fighting face covering. For its UK launch miamasuku® offers free shipping for orders exceeding 70 GBP - the average family shopping cart size.

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